Whārangi Ihirangi 

Mātua ko te Kōtuitui 

Kaiako should explicitly plan to integrate the language strands, whakarongo, kōrero, pānui, tuhituhi, mātakitaki and whakaatu.

Language competency is critical for ākonga to successfully access the curriculum and learning that is relevant to their world.

It is important to make connections across the curriculum between prior knowledge and new knowledge by providing a range of stimulating and engaging experiences.

I ngā marama e ono: Te Ara Whakaako i te Tuhituhi 

Te whakamāramatanga me ngā āhuatanga 


Tuhituhi Ngātahi should be used as the primary instructional approach. This is a collaborative writing experience between a kaiako and a group of ākonga. The kaiako takes on the role of scribe, recording the ideas and contributions of the ākonga. This approach allows the kaiako to model being a writer.

I ngā marama e ono: Te Whakahaere i te Tuhituhi Ngātahi

In the first six months, ākonga should be encouraged to produce 'writing' for the following purposes:

They should also be exposed to other purposes such as:

I ngā marama e ono: Te Tukanga Tuhituhi Ngātahi

The shared writing process for 6 month (emerging writers) involves collaborative writing experiences guided by a kaiako. The lesson structure of a shared writing process might include:

Settling Time

Vocabulary Building Time

Teaching Time

Read and Question Time

I ngā marama e ono: Te Tuhinga Māhorahora

I ngā marama e ono: Ngā Toi Mokopuna - Tuhituhi

This section outlines the skills, strategies and knowledge required in tuhituhi for the first six months.

Wetewetehia kia tika 

He kaingākaunui te mokopuna ki te tika o te reo.

Te whāinga

Ākonga learning focuses on accurately using and understanding basic vocabulary and sentence structures.

Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā

Ngā Tohu Ako

Te ngako o te whāinga

During a tuhituhi lesson, support the ākonga to:

By the end of six months, ākonga need to be able to distinguish the sounds in te reo Māori (phonemes).

Akona kia mārama

He whakaaro arohaehae te mokopuna.

Te whāinga

Ākonga learning focuses on developing basic comprehension skills and strategies.

Ngā Tohu Ako

Te ngako o te whāinga

During a tuhituhi lesson, support the ākonga to:

Whāia kia whakahangahanga

He whai whakaaro te mokopuna ki te āhua o tana whakapuaki i ōna whakaaro.

Te whāinga

Ākonga learning focuses on developing basic interpersonal communication skills.

Ngā Tohu Ako

Te ngako o te whāinga

During a tuhituhi lesson, support the ākonga to:

Tāraia kia auaha

He whai hua, he auaha, he Māori te whakamahi ā te mokopuna i te reo.

Te whāinga

Ākonga learning focuses on discovering ways to express thoughts and imagination.

Ngā Tohu Ako

Te ngako o te whāinga

During a tuhituhi lesson, support the ākonga to:

I ngā marama e ono: Ngā Tauira Tuhituhi

In the first 6 months, ākonga are likely to be writing at Ka Oho stage. Each piece of writing here is arranged in order of skill development from top left to bottom right. These ākonga were prepared to 'read' their writing back to the kaiako, even though in some cases the meaning changed between readings. 

They had therefore developed the fundamental idea that print conveys meaning, but had not yet developed the understanding that print is a fixed code. All of these ākonga had something important to say about themselves and their world. 

The following are indicative examples only. 

Ref: Tauira Samples | Richmond Road School. This ākonga has copied words from the classroom displays.

Ref: Tauira Samples | Richmond Road School. This ākonga has included words from classroom displays in amongst their own attempts at creating a message.

I ngā marama e ono: Te Aromatawai i te Tuhituhi

Aromatawai ō te ako (of learning), and aromatawai mō te ako (for learning).

Aromatawai should be personalised to reflect the reality that ākonga are at different stages in their learning journey and move through that journey at different speeds. This includes valuing neurodiversity (i.e. that all brains function differently) which is particularly important for neurodivergent ākonga

Ākonga should be encouraged and supported to understand the purpose of aromatawai and be active participants in gathering information through aromatawai activities such as self-reflection, self assessment and the creation of portfolios of work that demonstrate their learning.

Source: Te Puāwaitanga Harakeke p. 17

MAHI AROMATAWAI: What to look/listen for, ākonga are:

I ngā marama e ono: He Huarahi Tuhituhi A

Tuhi atu, tuhi mai | Writing to:

Tuhi tautokotahi | Writing with:

Tuhi motuhake | Independent writing: