Whārangi Ihirangi 

Mātua ko te Kōtuitui 

Kaiako should explicitly plan to integrate the language strands, whakarongo, kōrero, pānui, tuhituhi, mātakitaki and whakaatu.

Language competency is critical for ākonga to successfully access the curriculum and learning that is relevant to their world.

It is important to make connections across the curriculum between prior knowledge and new knowledge by providing a range of stimulating and engaging experiences.

I te tau tuarua: Te Ara Whakaako i te Tuhituhi 

Te whakamāramatanga me ngā āhuatanga


Tuhituhi Ngātahi is a collaborative writing experience between a kaiako and a group of ākonga. The kaiako takes on the role of scribe, recording the ideas and contributions of the ākonga. This approach allows the kaiako to model being a writer.

Te whakamāramatanga me ngā āhuatanga


Tuhituhi Motuhake refers to ākonga generating content on their own. The focus is on fostering a love of writing. The writer also has the opportunity to practice their knowledge, skills and strategies without direct support from the kaiako.

Te whakamāramatanga me ngā āhuatanga


Tuhituhi Arahanga is an additional instructional approach where a kaiako works with a small group of ākonga who are at a similar writing level or have similar instructional needs. The focus is on the kaiako providing support and guidance in aspects of the writing process such as planning and rehearsing what they intend to write, drafting, revising, editing and publishing as appropriate.

I te tau tuarua: Te Whakahaere i te Tuhituhi Ngātahi

This lesson sequence outlines the steps that the kaiako and ākonga go through during a shared writing session, such as when teaching writing for a specific purpose. Depending on the lesson’s purpose and the individual needs of the ākonga, the kaiako may work with the whole class or with a small group. 

In the first two years of kura, ākonga should be exposed to and engaged in shared writing for the following writing purposes:

Through these purposes, shared writing helps ākonga develop foundational writing skills, confidence in their abilities, and an understanding of how written language communicates meaning effectively.

Te tukanga tuhituhi ngātahi





Whakaputa, Tuku Atu Tuku Mai:

I te tau tuarua: Te Whakahaere i te Tuhituhi Arahanga

During guided writing, modelling and other teaching strategies such as explaining, questioning and giving feedback are used. This is ‘explicit’ teaching, because there is a focus on particular aspects of writing and ākonga are guided on what to do and how to do it. It is therefore important to consider grouping ākonga according to their instructional needs. (Ka Oho Te Manu Ki te Ao Tuhituhi pp 107). Guided writing sessions may vary from 15 to 30 mins depending on the learning objectives or writing skills being developed.  Some aspects of writing, such as the following are well suited to the guided writing approach.  These are:

Introduction and Purpose Setting:

Guided Practice:

Modelling and Demonstration:

Independent Practice:

Sharing and Reflecting:

I te tau tuarua: Tuhinga Māhorahora 

In Tuhinga Māhorahora or Free Writing, ākonga should:

I te tau tuarua: Ngā Toi Mokopuna -  Tuhituhi

This section outlines the skills, strategies and knowledge required in tuhituhi in the first two years.

I ngā marama e ono

I te tau tuatahi

I ngā marama tekau mā waru ki te tau tuarua

Wetewetehia kia tika 

He kaingākaunui te mokopuna ki te tika o te reo.

Te whāinga

Ākonga learning focuses on accurately using and understanding basic vocabulary and sentence structures.

Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā

Ngā Tohu Ako

Te ngako o te whāinga

During a tuhituhi lesson, support the ākonga to:

By the end of 18 months at kura, ākonga need to be able to:

By the end of two years at kura, ākonga need to have a clear understanding of the relationship between sounds and letters. They should be able to:

Ākona kia mārama

He whakaaro arohaehae te mokopuna.

Te whāinga

Ākonga learning focuses on developing basic comprehension skills and strategies.

Ngā Tohu Ako

Te ngako o te whāinga

During a tuhituhi lesson, support the ākonga to:

Pūtake tuhituhi

e.g. He Kura Tuhituhi: Personal recounts; He Manu Taketake: Pepeha and whakapapa; announcements; acknowledgements.

By the end of two years at kura, ākonga need to be able to ask and respond to simple questions.

Whāia kia whakahangahanga

He whai whakaaro te mokopuna ki te āhua o tana whakapuaki i ōna whakaaro.

Te whāinga

Ākonga learning focuses on developing basic interpersonal communication skills.

Ngā Tohu Ako

Te ngako o te whāinga 

During a tuhituhi lesson, support the ākonga to:

Tuhinga māhorahora

Tāraia kia auaha

He whai hua, he auaha, he Māori te whakamahi a te mokopuna i te reo.

Te whāinga

Ākonga learning focuses on discovering ways to express thoughts and imagination.

Ngā Tohu Ako

Te ngako o te whāinga

During a tuhituhi lesson, support the ākonga to:

I te tau tuarua: NTauira Tuhituhi

The following samples of writing by ākonga are arranged in order of skill development from top left to bottom right. Here are examples of what ākonga writing might look like in the first two years. 

Source: Ka Rere te Manu ki te Ao Tuhituhi p.29, 31

Ref: Tauira Samples: Richmond Road School

I te tau tuarua: Te Aromatawai i te Tuhituhi

Aromatawai ō te ako (of learning), and aromatawai mō te ako (for learning).

Aromatawai should be personalised to reflect the reality that ākonga are at different stages in their learning journey and move through that journey at different speeds. This includes valuing neurodiversity (i.e. that all brains function differently) which is particularly important for neurodivergent ākonga. 

Ākonga should be encouraged and supported to understand the purpose of aromatawai and be active participants in gathering information through aromatawai activities such as self-reflection, self assessment and the creation of portfolios of work that demonstrate their learning.

Source: Te Puāwaitanga Harakeke p. 17

MAHI AROMATAWAI: What to look/listen for, ākonga are:

I te tau tuarua: He Huarahi Tuhituhi A

Tuhi atu, tuhi mai | Writing to:

Tuhi tautokotahi | Writing with:

Tuhi motuhake | Independent writing: